About Us
“We believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved...”
[Acts 15:11]
God’s love and grace are freely given by God to all people through Jesus Christ. No efforts of our own are required to earn God’s favor. Rather, it is our experience of God’s unconditional love that enables us to love God and neighbor, and work for peace and justice in Vallejo and beyond.
The hallmarks of the Lutheran Church are worship and service. Lutherans celebrate Holy Communion weekly, to experience and be inspired by the ultimate love and sacrifice of Jesus. Lutheran worship is full of music and singing, uniting the congregation in active worship, The goal of regular worship is not only to build up the individual and the community, but to empower each participant to carry God’s message of love and acceptance into the neighborhood and the world.
We are Lutheran Christians. We know that God loves us already; there is nothing we need to do to earn God’s love. God’s love, freely given, frees us to love and serve others, and to offer acceptance as we have been accepted.We follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, through whom we know the living God.
Because no one is saved by being right, we are free to disagree with one another and to learn from one another. God is always about the business of reforming and transforming us.
Some of us are young, and others are elders. Some of us are fairly well off financially, and others struggle to make ends meet. Some of us are new to Christian faith, and some of us are life-long Lutherans.
We are people of various sexual orientations and gender identities. Some of us are multi-ethnic, and some of our ancestors came primarily from one geographic area. We are employed at various kinds of work – and some of us are retired. Our faith community is diverse!
People who have been excluded systematically need to be welcomed intentionally. We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation; we intentionally welcome people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
We are a congregation of the Sierra Pacific Synod in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Accessible bathrooms, parking come to Vallejo church
Daniel Egitto, Reporter
Vallejo Times-Herald
Members of a historic Vallejo church are hoping to breathe new life into a 74-year-old building at a Saturday rededication celebrating a spate of renovations and improvements.
The 10 a.m. ceremony at United in Grace Lutheran Church will conclude a year and a half of work on the old Spanish Revival-style building at 1300 Tuolumne St. A wheelchair-accessible lift, gender-neutral bathrooms and newly repaired and repainted front doors are just a few of the approximately $1.4 million worth of upgrades that Celebration Coordinator Judy Faye wants to spotlight.
“The main goal of the renovation is to make this a welcoming, safe place,” Faye said.
That mentality is what led church leaders to remove gender designations when redoing the multi-stall restrooms – a move that Faye said is in keeping with United in Grace’s commitment to the LGBTQ community. Faye isn’t aware of any other local churches that have taken this step, although she believes others would do so if given the chance.
“Contrary to all of the things that you see about religions in the press, it is not true that all Christians persecute, discriminate and put down other people,” she said. “In fact, I don’t see how they manage to do that and call it Christian. It has nothing to do with the life of Christ. Christ was always reaching out to the outcast.”
The restrooms are also accessible to people with disabilities. Accessible parking, along with an accessible water fountain and kitchen sink, is also now available.
Another notable change at United in Grace is the front doors, which are the same doors that swung open to the church’s original dedication ceremony in 1949. Fresh blue-and-gold paint and new wooden ornamentations are intended to match the building’s original look.
The church additionally features a new pastor’s office and a refurbished kitchen twice the size of the old one. Faye played a role in restoring the windows at the church’s library. She doesn’t know how many hours it took, but she’s proud of what her congregation has accomplished.
A reception with champagne, cookies and iced tea will follow the rededication ceremony Saturday. The church will also be hosting tours of the newly restored building.
United in Grace Lutheran Church is a spiritual community that celebrates the gifts of God that empower us to engage in the struggles of life, to care for each other, and to serve Christ where we work and live.
We are a Reconciling-in-Christ congregation. We welcome the participation of people of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities, educational backgrounds, and economic conditions-all who want to join in community to honor God and be of service to people.